- HSE 201 Understanding Your HSE Culture v6 (English)
- HSE 199 Understanding your energy culture
- HSE 184 Learning from incidents
- HSE 007 Making Change Last
- HSE 001 Making compliance easier (formerly Managing rule breaking)
- HSE 009 Driving for Excellence
- HSE 018 Working Safely
- HSE 013 Achieving Situation Awareness
- HSE 004 Risk Assessment Matrix: Bringing it to Life
- HSE 002 Improving Supervision
- HSE 005 Understanding your HSE culture (version 5)
Important notice: Website update - 28th of January 2025
We're merging our website with our main site to offer a more streamlined experience. To make the switch smooth, this website undergoing maintenance and will be unavailable on the 28th of January 2025. This means you won't be able to purchase publications. Don't worry, everything will be available on the new site by the end of the day. To avoid any hiccups, we recommend holding off on purchases until then. Thank you for your patience, and see you on the new site soon!
Hearts and Minds
Hearts and Minds is a toolkit designed to facilitate cultural change within organisations. By improving the safety culture, we can influence the behaviours of the workforce and managers, and improve the way safety is managed by the organisation. Hearts and Minds is intended to help organisations to improve their performance by:
- Leading the way - the 'route to the top' of the safety culture ladder.
- Providing the process and tools to get everyone involved and to facilitate behavioural change - the necessary components of a solution.
The Hearts and Minds toolkit contains resources to help organisations manage key challenges in creating a truly proactive and generative approach to HSE management:
- -Measure and understand your cultural level
- -Create plans to improve
- -Address the reasons why rules get broken - bad procedures and the working environment
- -Instil safety leadership in leaders and supervisors
- -Learn from incidents
- -Manage risks effectively
In addition, the Hearts and Minds website contains a vast amount of information on using Hearts and Minds, and lots of free resources, including videos and presentations.
Digital licence: If a purchaser is a direct employee of an organisation and purchases electronic copies of Hearts and Minds branded materials using an account with said organisation's email address (i.e. 'purchaser_name@company_name.com'), EI grants the purchaser limited permission to transmit or network electronic and printed copies within said organisation to direct colleagues solely for the purpose of using the materials for training and information purposes. Electronic copies of Hearts and Minds branded materials may not be transmitted or networked to individuals outside of said organisation, including to contractors, sub-contractors, suppliers, or clients, nor stored on a network accessible to employees within the organisation, with the exception of temporary networks used for sharing the materials directly with employees partaking in said training activities. Printed copies may be made and distributed to a limited extent outside of said organisation to third party organisations (including to clients for consultancy purposes, contractors, sub-contractors and suppliers) where such third parties work directly with the organisation and the organisation's efforts to improve its organisational culture. Onward selling of electronic or printed copies is prohibited.
In other words, if purchasing digital copies, only a single copy of each tool will need to be purchased for use within a team and by a training facilitator. Individual copies may need to be purchased where multiple facilitators are using the materials, particularly if in different locations. However, sharing digital copies outside of the organisation is strictly prohibited. If you have questions about this license, please contact Stuart King e: sking@energyinst.org
- HSE 061 Understanding Your Culture (FRENCH - Comprendre la culture de son entreprise)
- HSE 064 Making Change Last (FRENCH - Des changements durables)
- HSE 070 Managing Rule Breaking (FRENCH - Gestion du non-respect des règles, Boîte à outils)
- HSE 072 Driving for Excellence (FRENCH - Conduire pour l'excellence)
- HSE 067 Working Safely (FRENCH - Travailler en sécurité)
- HSE 066 Achieving Situation Awareness: The Rule of Three (FRENCH - Parvenir à une connaissance de la situation en cinq minutes. La règle de trois)
- HSE 065 Risk Assessment Matrix: Bringing it to Life (FRENCH - Le tableau d'évaluation des risques 'En faire une réalité')
- HSE 068 Improving Supervision (FRENCH)
- HSE 210 Understanding Your HSE Culture v6 (French)
- HSE 022 Achieving Situation Awareness: The Rule of Three (SPANISH - Como lograr Conciencia de una Situacion en Cinco Minutos)
- HSE 020 Risk Assessment Matrix: Bringing it to Life (SPANISH - Matriz de Evaluacion de Riesgos)
- HSE 032 Improving Supervision (SPANISH - Mejoras a la Supervision)
- HSE 021 Understanding Your Culture (SPANISH - Entendiendo Tu Cultura)
- HSE 024 Making Change Last (SPANISH - Hagamos que los Cambios Perduren)
- HSE 057 Managing Rule Breaking (SPANISH)
- HSE 086 Driving for excellence (SPANISH)
- HSE 208 Understanding Your HSE Culture v6 (SpanishEUR)