- A comparison of risks related to the storage of hydrocarbons in above-ground and underground tanks at petrol filling stations
- API/EI Research report Verification of lightning protection requirements for above ground hydrocarbon storage tanks
- An assessment of electrostatic ignition risks and filling rules for loading road tankers with low sulphur diesel
- Application of Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) requirements for carcinogens at oil refineries and terminals
- EI Research Report: Guidance on available literature for assessing and managing ageing plant at bulk liquid storage facilities
- EI Research report: Investigation into the possible risks arising from the presence and operation of lithium-ion (rechargeable) button cell energised devices in potentially flammable atmospheres associated with transport fuels
- EI Research Report: Investigation of factors causing leakage at road tanker loading gantry coupler/tanker adaptor interface
- EI Research Report: Investigation of the possible ignition risks arising from the presence and operation of button cell energised devices in potentially flammable atmospheres associated with transport fuels
- EI Research Report: Review of existing guidance for inspection and fitness for service assessment of piping at onshore terminals
- EI/DFA Research report: Compatibility of materials used in distribution handling systems with ethanol and gasoline/ethanol blends
- EI/JIG Standard 1530 Quality assurance requirements for the manufacture, storage and distribution of aviation fuel to airports (A4)
- EI/JIG Standard 1530 Quality assurance requirements for the manufacture, storage and distribution of aviation fuel to airports (A5)
- Environmental risk assessment of bulk storage facilities: a screening tool and its user guide
- Guidance for a product identification system for petroleum products and other fuels
- Guidance for the management of distribution terminal operations
- Guidance for the storage and handling of fuel grade ethanol mixtures at petroleum distribution installations
- Guidance on conceptual design, selection and life cycle assurance of products intended to improve integrity of bases of above-ground storage tanks holding petroleum, petroleum products or other fuels
- Guidance on risk assessment and conceptual design of tertiary containment systems for bulk storage of petroleum, petroleum products, or other fuels
- Guidelines on environmental management for facilities storing bulk quantities of petroleum, petroleum products and other fuels
- HM 51/API Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards Chapter 17.12, Procedures for bulk liquid chemical cargo inspections
- Impact of the Seveso III directive on petroleum distribution terminal operators
- Model Code of Safe Practice Part 2: Guidance on the design, construction and operation of petroleum distribution installations
- Model Code of Safe Practice Part 16: Guidance on tank cleaning
- Pocket guide to safety for operatives and contractors working at petroleum distribution installations
- Research Project. Evaluation of the performance of meters in loading gantries. Phase 2 Tests on products other than gas oil
- Riskmanager for terminals: Generic risk assessment tool for petroleum distribution facilities
- Safe operation of remotely operated storage and distribution facilities for petroleum products
- Safety notice: Electrical/electronic devices energised by button cells in hazardous areas (potentially explosive atmospheres)
- Technical workshop proceedings: Fuel storage tank overfill prevention systems
- IGE/UP/1 EDITION 2. REPRINT WITH AMENDMENTS (Communication 1716) Strength testing, tightness testing and direct purging of industrial and commercial gas installations
- HM 20. Proving of aviation fuelling positive displacement meters
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Petroleum product storage and distribution

It can be a significant technical and logistical challenge to ensure that the large range of petroleum products, on which society depends, get to the right place at the right time, whilst meeting all appropriate health, safety and environmental protection requirements.
The EI continually develops technical guidance for issues involved in the supply of fuels to customers that aims to continually improve the safety performance of petroleum industry distribution and marketing operations, and contribute to the responsible and sustainable operation of the industry.
- Code of safe practice for contractors and retailers managing contractors working on filling stations
- EI Technical Seminar Proceedings: 'Can mobile phone communications ignite petroleum vapour?'
- EI/DFA Research report: Compatibility of materials used in distribution handling systems with ethanol and gasoline/ethanol blends
- Electrical installation of facilities for the storage and dispensing of LPG and CNG automotive fuels at vehicle refuelling stations
- Fuel spillage – Forecourt incident action plan (A3)
- Fuel spillage – Forecourt incident action plan (A4)
- Guidance for a product identification system for petroleum products and other fuels
- Guidance for the storage and handling of biofuels at filling stations
- Guidance on design and operating limits for fuel storage tanks at retail filling stations
- Guidance on environmental management at filling stations
- Guidance on external cathodic protection of underground steel storage tanks and steel pipework at petrol filling stations
- Guidance on hydrogen delivery systems for refuelling of motor vehicles, co-located with petrol filling stations (Supplement to the Blue Book)
- Guidance on inspection and testing of safety critical equipment on retail filling stations
- Guidance on managing environmental risks associated with land contamination at filling stations
- Guidance on reducing human failure in petroleum product distribution loading and unloading operations
- Guidance on risk assessment and conceptual design of tertiary containment systems for bulk storage of petroleum, petroleum products, or other fuels
- Guidance on the correct and safe handling of NOx reduction agent (AUS 32/AdBlue)
- Guidance on the use of mobile phones and other portable electrical devices on petrol filling stations
- Guidelines for the uplift of petroleum, petroleum products and other fuels from retail filling stations and customers' tanks
- Petrol Enforcement Liaison Group (PELG) - PETELs
- PELG Petrol filling stations - Guidance on managing the risks of fire and explosion (The Red Guide)
- PELG Petrol filling stations - Guidance on managing the risks of fire and explosion (The Red Guide) executive summary
- Review of HSE guidance on the Petroleum (Consolidation) Regulations 2014
- Considerations to decide whether a petrol storage certificate is required
- Quantified risk assessment of the ignition of flammable vapour on petrol filling station forecourts during road tanker offloading due to thermite sparking
- Report on the risk of static ignition during vehicle refuelling. A study of the available relevant research
- Hydrogen as a transport fuel
- Checklist prior to the introduction of E10 Fuels into service station storage tanks
- Guidance on the declassification of tanks previously in leaded gasoline service
- A site operator's guide to electric vehicle charging equipment at filling stations
- An assessment of electrostatic ignition risks and filling rules for loading road tankers with low sulphur diesel
- Back into service checklist
- Code of practice for petroleum road tanker vapour collection systems and equipment used in unloading operations
- Design, construction and operation of workshops for petroleum road tanker maintenance
- EI Research report: Flow performance testing of vapour recovery systems on petroleum road tankers
- EI Research report: Investigation into the minimum auto-ignition temperature of fuels in open-air conditions
- EI Research Report: Investigation of factors causing leakage at road tanker loading gantry coupler/tanker adaptor interface
- Fire resistance of mudwings for petroleum road tankers
- Guidance on petroleum road tanker loading (Ripple loading)
- Guidance on reducing human failure in petroleum product distribution loading and unloading operations
- Guidance on the handling of residue petroleum products from road tankers at terminals
- Guidance on the notification and reporting of dangerous occurrences involving spillages of dangerous substances under the reporting of injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences regulations 2013 (RIDDOR)
- Guidelines for road tanker drivers' emergency actions on road tanker loading racks
- Guidance for planning for petroleum road tanker recovery following breakdowns in order to comply with UK legislation
- Guidelines for the training of road tanker drivers at terminals
- Guidelines for the development of a response plan for significant incidents involving road fuel tankers
- Guidelines for the identification and control of hazards during the proving of road tanker loading gantry meters
- Petroleum road tanker design and construction
- Petroleum road tankers: Recommendations for a standard method of inspection for a safe loading pass (SLP)
- Quantified risk assessment of the ignition of flammable vapour on petrol filling station forecourts during road tanker offloading due to thermite sparking
- Specification: Couplers for the bottom loading of petroleum road tankers
- Testing of vapour containment on petroleum road tankers
- A model syllabus for the training of technicians involved in the examination, testing, maintenance and repair of petroleum fuel and liquefied petroleum gas road tankers
- An investigation into suitable instruments for the measurement of carbon monoxide (CO) for rapid detection of hot spots in vapour recovery unit (VRU) carbon beds
- Code of practice for petroleum road tanker vapour collection systems and equipment used in unloading operations
- EI Research report: Flow performance testing of vapour recovery systems on petroleum road tankers
- Guidelines for the design and operation of petrol vapour emission controls at distribution terminals
- Procedures for the reclaim of duty on recovered vapour at duty suspended installations