IP 129: Determination of bromine number - Colour indicator titration method
- Method adopted/last revised: 2003
- Method reapproved: 2010
- REF/ISBN: IP129-2935507
- Status: Current
- First printed in STM books: January 2003
This standard specifies a method for the determination of the bromine number of distillate liquid petroleum products which are substantially free from butanes and butenes. The precision applies to such products with 90 %(V/v) distillation recovery temperatures below 205 °C up to bromine numbers of 115, and to products with distillation recovery temperatures between 205 °C and 327 °C up to bromine numbers of 15. The distillation temperatures are those obtained by the procedures described in IP 123.
NOTE 1 - The bromine number does not correspond necessarily to a true content of unsaturates, since sulfur compounds and certain polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are reported to react with bromine.
NOTE 2 - Based on data given in the appendix to ASTM former method D 1158-59T, the reported behaviour of the main hydrocarbon types is as follows:
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