IP 168: Determination of rolling bearing performance of lubricating grease
- Method adopted/last revised: 2013
- Method reapproved: 2017
- REF/ISBN: IP168-2938621
- Status: Current
- First printed in STM books: April 2018
The standard describes a method to evaluate the performance of lubricating greases with respect to their ability to lubricate rolling bearings under
specified operating conditions and to assess the stability of the grease with respect to physical changes, excess oil separation, and leakage.
NOTE The bearing specified in Annex A is only suitable for testing the greases up to 120 °C. Higher test temperatures can be applied provided that suitable bearings are used. Please note that if tests are carried out at temperatures above 120 °C, using bearings that are different to those specified in Annex A, the precision quoted in section 9 (Precision) will not apply.
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