IP 237: Petroleum products - Determination of knock characteristics of motor fuels - Research method copy

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  • Method adopted/last revised:
  • Method reapproved: 2019
  • Status: Current
  • First printed in STM books:

This International Standard establishes the rating of liquid spark-ignition engine fuel in terms of an arbitrary scale of octane numbers using a standard single-cylinder, four-stroke cycle, variable compression ratio, carburetted, CFR engine operated at constant speed. Research octane number
(RON) provides a measure of the knock characteristics of motor fuels in automotive engines under mild conditions of operation.

This International Standard is applicable for the entire scale range from 0 RON to 120 RON, but the working range is 40 RON to 120 RON. Typical motor fuel testing is in the range of 88 RON to 101 RON. This International Standard is applicable for oxygenate-containing fuels containing up
to 4,0 % (m/m) oxygen and for gasoline containing up to 25 % (V/V) ethanol.

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