IP 401: Liquefied petroleum gases - detection of hydrogen sulfide- Lead acetate method
- Method adopted/last revised:
- Method reapproved: 2019
- Status: Current
- First printed in STM books: 1995
This International Standard specifies a method for the detection of hydrogen sulfide in
liquefied petroleum gases.
The lower limit of detectability is 4 mg of hydrogen sulfide in 1 m3 of liquefied
petroleum gas. Methyl mercaptan, if present, produces a transitory yellow stain on lead
acetate paper which, however, fades completely in less than 5 min. Other sulfur com
pounds present in liquefied petroleum gas do not in terfere with the test.
NOTE 1 Liquefied petroleum gases and the products of their combustion should not be
unduly corrosive or reactive to materials with which they come into contact. It is there fore
important that the presence of any hydrogen sulfide, a highly reactive substance, be
detected. Additionally, the odour of hydrogen sulfide is unacceptable in some applica
tions of liquefied petroleum gases (e.g. lighter fuel).
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