IP 597: Rating of heater tubes — Interferometric method
- Method adopted/last revised: 2012
- Method reapproved: None
- REF/ISBN: IP597-2936207
- Status: Current
- First printed in STM books: January 2012
This standard describes a procedure for the interferometric rating of heater tubes produced by IP 323 Determination of thermal oxidation stability of gas turbine fuels.
The final result from this rating procedure is an absolute measurement of the thickness and volume of deposit on the heater tube that provides a basis for judging the thermal oxidative stability of the fuel sample. For aircraft fuel systems performance, deposit thickness and volume are useful parameters.
NOTE If this procedure is to be used to rate the tube after the thermal oxidation test, the new tube may also be examined by the same technique to establish a baseline or condition of satisfactory starting quality.
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