IP 61: Determination of sulfur — High pressure combustion method
- Method adopted/last revised: 1999
- Method reapproved: 2014
- REF/ISBN: IP061-7250659
- Status: Current
- First printed in STM books: May 2019
This standard specifies a procedure for the determination of sulfur in the range 0,09 % (m/m) to 5,5 % (m/m) in petroleum products including lubricating oils containing additives, additive concentrates, and lubricating greases, that cannot be burned completely in a wick lamp. This standard is applicable to any petroleum product sufficiently low in volatility that it can be weighed accurately in an open sample boat. This standard is not applicable to samples containing elements that give residues, other than barium sulfate, which are insoluble in dilute hydrochloric acid solutions and would interfere in the precipitation step.
NOTE 1 These interfering elements include iron, aluminium, calcium, silicon, and lead which are sometimes present in greases, lubricating oil additives, or additive oils. Other acid insoluble materials that interfere are silica, molybdenum disulfide, asbestos, mica etc. The standard is not applicable to used oils containing wear metals, and lead or silicates from contamination.
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