IP 77: Determination of salt content - Extraction and volumetric titration method
- Method adopted/last revised: 1972
- Method reapproved: 2012
- REF/ISBN: IP077-2936900
- Status: Obsolete
- First printed in STM books: April 1972
This method is obsolete, but available to purchase from the EI library.
This method is intended for the determination of total halide concentration of 0.002 to 0.02% wt, in crude petroleum, topped crude, residual cracking stock, and fuel oil. It may also be applied to the estimation of seawater contamination of used turbine oil and of marine diesel fuel.
The method is applicable to other products when the precision required is not greater than the limits indicated in Section 8.
(Originally published: 1972, reapproved 2012, withdrawn 2015.)
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