EI 1533 Quality assurance requirements for semi-synthetic jet fuel and synthetic blending components (SBC)

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  • Published: November 2022
  • REF/ISBN: 9781787253513
  • Edition: 1st
  • Status: Current

EI 1533 provides quality assurance requirements and recommendations for the manufacture of synthetic (jet fuel) blending components (in accordance with ASTM D7566), their export and import, blending with conventional jet fuel/jet fuel components to produce semi-synthetic jet fuel (also referred to as Sustainable Aviation Fuel), and the export/import of semi-synthetic jet fuel from its point of origin through to delivery to airports.

EI 1533 is a supplement to, and intended to be read in conjunction with, EI/JIG Standard 1530.

It has been prepared by a broad collaboration of stakeholders to remove any perceived technical barriers to the large-scale deployment of semi-synthetic jet fuel globally.

The information contained in this publication will be of significant interest to synthetic blending component (SBC) manufacturers, semi-synthetic jet fuel manufacturers and all those involved in jet fuel supply chains through to aircraft operators.

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