EI Research Report: Review of methods of bonding a hydrant dispenser (servicer) to an aircraft for refuelling

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  • Published: August 2007
  • REF/ISBN: 9780852934753
  • Edition: 1st
  • Status: Current

Aims to assist the industry with the technical/quantitative assessment of electrical bonding of refuelling equipment to aircraft. The objectives of the research were to:

  • Collate all available guidance and regulatory material on the bonding of refuelling equipment to aircraft and document key differences between the recommended/required methods/sequences.
  • Perform a literature survey and review to identify any sources of relevant information on this topic.
  • Undertake a technical evaluation/assessment of the different methods of bonding of refuelling equipment to aircraft, in terms of the reduction in the level of risk that the method provides for the refuelling operation.
  • Provide recommendations for a standard bonding sequence that could be followed internationally that would provide an appropriate level of safety for the refuelling operation.

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