EI Research Report: Speciation of VOC emissions from UK oil refineries - 3 volume set

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  • Published: February 2002
  • REF/ISBN: SpecVOC3volst
  • Edition: 1st
  • Status: Current

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At the end of 1999 the Institute of Petroleum was asked by UKPIA, on behalf of the refineries based in the UK, to provide a means through which emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds, reported annually as a part of the Environment Agency's Pollution Inventory, could be speciated.

In 2000 the Institute commissioned AEA Technology, under the guidance of the IP Emissions Working Group, to investigate the possibility of producing a generic protocol to enable refineries to speciate VOCs. This was to be used in conjunction with the IP's existing Protocol for the Estimation of VOC Emissions from Petroleum Refineries and Gasoline Marketing Operations.

These three reports detail the work undertaken to achieve the above and draws conclusions from the results obtained. Part 1 presents an overview of the work carried out and of the results obtained. Part 2 presents the findings of the literature survey, the objective of which was to identify existing species data entry for refinery VOC emissions. Part 3 describes the detailed results of the measurements carried out at the nine UK oil refineries.

Full three volume set.

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