IP 442: Analysis of fuel- and oil-derived hydrocarbons in diesel particulates on filters - Gas chromatography method
- Method adopted/last revised: 1999
- Method reapproved: None
- REF/ISBN: IP442-2934869
- Status: Current
- First printed in STM books: January 1999
This standard describes a method of analysing fuel- and oil-derived
hydrocarbons in diesel particulate collected on filters, in the sub-milligram to
milligram range. It is applicable for the analysis of filters as received and of
the soluble organic fraction extracted from the filter.
NOTE 1 The procedure for calculating the fuel- and oil-derived hydrocarbons relies on the assumption that all the hydrocarbons present in the particulate are either from unburned fuel or unburned oil. The fuel derived fraction is represented by the very least volatile portion of the fuel, i.e. the `topped' fuel. It should be noted that in a small number of instances the hydrocarbons in a sample may not resemble closely the fuel and oil, in which case this should be noted in the test report.
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