IP 443: Extraction of the soluble organic fraction (SOF) of diesel particulates collected on filters - Soxhlet extraction method

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  • Method adopted/last revised: 1999
  • Method reapproved: None
  • REF/ISBN: IP443-2934869
  • Status: Current
  • First printed in STM books: January 1999


This standard describes a procedure for extracting the soluble organic fraction from filters that have been used to collect the particulate emissions from diesel engine exhausts.

NOTE 1 The extract can be used to produce a solution of the soluble organic fraction for further analysis by gas chromatography for the fuel- and lubricating oil-derived hydrocarbons in diesel particulates as described in IP 442.

NOTE 2 A procedure for determining the SOF gravimetrically is described in annex A. The method is suitable for quantities in the sub-milligram to milligram range.

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