IP 593: Determination of lead, nickel, chromium, copper, zinc, arsenic, cadmium, thallium, antimony, cobalt, manganese and vanadium in burner fuels derived from waste mineral oils — Wavelength dispersive x-ray fluorescence spectrometry method
- Method adopted/last revised: 2011
- Method reapproved: None
- REF/ISBN: IP593-2935996
- Status: Current
- First printed in STM books: January 2011
This standard specifies a procedure for the determination of lead, nickel, chromium, copper, zinc, arsenic, cadmium, thallium, antimony, cobalt, manganese and vanadium present in burner fuels derived from waste mineral oils that have less than 0,15 % (m/m) particulate matter by wavelength dispersive x-ray fluorescence spectrometry. The concentration ranges that this method covers are shown below: Element Range mg/kg
Lead 1 to 55
Nickel 1 to 6
Chromium 1 to 6
Copper 3 to 70
Zinc 20 to 900
Arsenic 1 to 6
Cadmium 1 to 6
Thallium 1 to 6
Antimony 1 to 6
Cobalt 1 to 6
Manganese 1 to 25
Vanadium 1 to 6
Note 1 — For elements nickel, chromium, arsenic, cadmium, thallium, antimony, cobalt, manganese and vanadium higher levels may be measured however a precision statement is not available.
Note 2 — For the purposes of this standard, the expressions “% (m/m)” and “% (V/V)” are used to represent the mass and volume fractions respectively.
Note 3 — Concentrations of Fe in excess of 1 000 mg/kg can cause a positive bias on Co measurements if corrections for Fe are not included in the method.
Note 4 — The description of waste mineral oils that are acceptable inputs for the production of Processed Fuel Oil is given in Appendix B of the Environment Agency’s Quality Protocol for Processed Fuel Oil.
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