Petroleum road tanker drivers: Evaluation and exposure to noise

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  • Published: November 2014
  • REF/ISBN: 9780852937198
  • Edition: 2nd
  • Status: New

Petroleum road tanker drivers may be exposed to moderate, but potentially significant, levels of noise exposure whilst at work.

This publication reviews the health effects of noise and occupational exposure data from several companies. It also reviews sources of noise and suggests methods to reduce exposure to as low as is reasonably practical.

Since the publication of the first edition the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has published new occupational exposure limits (as required by EU Directive) for noise at work. This 2nd edition of the EI guidance updates the legislative references.

There are several noise sources which may be controlled in any particular situation and these include the cab radio; the driver’s window; the cargo pump used to offload product from some road tankers; noise exposure at the delivery point, and noise exposures during the pre-driving vehicle inspection. Additionally, programmes for information, instruction and training for the use of hearing protection devices are also identified as being important in the control of exposure.

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