Practical guidance for managing the health risks associated with drilling fluids
- Published: December 2015
- REF/ISBN: 9780852937518
- Edition: 2nd
- Status: Current
Exposure to the fluids and powders used in drilling operations associated with the exploration and production of oil and gas can give rise to health risks, and appropriate measures must be taken to eliminate or control them. This document aims to provide practical guidance for managing the health risks associated with drilling fluids and complements the guidance to Drilling fluids and health risk management: A guide for drilling personnel, managers and health professionals in the oil and gas industry (OGP/IPIECA, 2009), including principles of occupational health practice, roles and responsibilities, as well as specific health hazards and the suitable controls for the chemicals used.
This publication should serve as a reference document for drilling and well services personnel and their associated management, as well as health, safety and environment professionals, occupational health and occupational hygiene professionals.
The health hazards related to drilling activities including noise, vibration, manual handling, and the return fluids/vapours/gases e.g. hydrogen sulfide gas, naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM) and materials used for cementing are outside the scope of this document.
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