Guidance on the correct and safe handling of NOx reduction agent (AUS 32/AdBlue)

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  • Published: June 2020
  • REF/ISBN: 9781787252004
  • Edition: 1st
  • Status: Current

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This publication focuses on the installation of tank, pipe and pumping systems for the storage and dispensing of urea solutions (NOx reduction agent (AUS 32/AdBlue)) used in the treatment of diesel exhaust on vehicles.

This document addresses the differences between heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) and light commercial vehicle/passenger car (LV) applications and provides the basis for correct equipment selection, storage and dispensing. The guidance provided in this document is aimed at installations within a PFS/retail environment.

There is current outline guidance provided in the Energy Institute's (EI's) Design, construction, modification, maintenance and decommissioning of filling stations (known as the Blue Book) (3rd edition) identifying the key hazards and control measures required for diesel exhaust fluids (DEF).This guidance covers the hazardous area provisions of the equipment itself and its location within the hazardous operating envelopes of other retail fuels system components.

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