EI Research report: Hazard and risk assessment for bulk liquefied petroleum gas storage events
- Published: November 2010
- REF/ISBN: 9780852935637
- Edition: 1st
- Status: Current
Provides guidance on hazard and risk assessment for bulk liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) storage events such as fire and explosion. It is applicable to installations at petroleum refineries, import and distribution terminals, depots and large industrial customer installations where the storage capacity exceeds the top tier threshold of the UK Control of Major Accident Hazards (COMAH) Regulations.
Process information and input data using modern software modelling packages and risk assessment techniques (from qualitative to quantitative) including benchmarking against agreed risk criteria are contained within this report. Pressurised storage is covered in greater detail in this report than refrigerated storage as this is more common in industry.
This report will assist those who need to evaluate bulk LPG storage installation layouts and associated handling operations. It should also assist in the attainment of legal compliance for safety; in particular in meeting some of the requirements of the COMAH Regulations.
It will be of interest to operations managers, process safety engineers, safety advisors, design engineers, and other stakeholders in the bulk LPG storage sector.
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