Technical workshop proceedings: Hydrogen safety cases – Challenges in hydrogen safety case development in UK/European industrial clusters

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  • Published: November 2021
  • REF/ISBN: 9781787252998
  • Edition: 1st
  • Status: Current

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The workshop reported herein was convened under the auspices of the EI Hy2004 Hydrogen Safety Cases Working Group. A workshop planning sub-group defined the programme, and this was reviewed and enhanced by the EI Hy2004 Hydrogen Safety Cases Working Group.

These Technical Workshop Proceedings provide:

  • An overview of the workshop
  • The presentations (except where redacted)
  • The findings of a forward-feed questionnaire, including the key relevant safety case type directives or regulations, as well as the findings of a post-workshop questionnaire on a wider set of safety case-type directives or regulations
  • The key areas of discussion (noting that discussion is not recorded verbatim or attributed, as per 'Chatham House' rules)
  • Key challenges encountered, or expected to be encountered, in meeting the relevant safety case-type directives or regulations
  • Initial thoughts on areas where the EI should consider focusing its gap analysis or subsequent technical development projects to address identified gaps in knowledge
  • Conclusions and next steps

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