Traditional Mandarin translation - Good practice guideline - The safe management of small service vessels used in the offshore wind industry
- Published: March 2020
- REF/ISBN: 9781787251809
- Edition: 2nd
- Status: Current
This publication is available to download for free.
This is the traditional Mandarin translation of the publication Good practice guideline - The safe management of small service vessels used in the offshore wind industry. The English version of this title has been updated to a second edition in 2018 and can be downloaded for free here.
G+ 海上風電健康與安全協會(G+) 已委托制定此關於海上風電行業小型服務船舶安全管理的良好做法指南。這份指導方針利用了海事行業和離岸油氣行業行業的現有標准和實踐,同時致力於考慮和反思在離岸風力發電行業中工作的獨特要素。
- 參與工作船舶管理的相關方的職能性職責和責任。
- 針對風電場使用的工作船舶的審查和檢查制度。
- 針對風電場內工作船舶活動控制和協調的作業程序及指導。
- 風電場內常規海上作業和船舶活動的作業程序。
- 風電場內和轉運至風電場的船舶交通管理。
- 工作船舶海員、行業人員、乘客和海上協調人員的培訓及資質。
- 船舶安全設備。
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